3 Ways To Drink Darjeeling Himalayan Tea

Posted on: 22 February 2017


If you are a fan of tea, you should really think about trying Darjeeling tea. Often known as the "champagne of teas," Darjeeling tea isn't just delicious; it also has a host of health benefits. It's good for your bones and your cardiovascular system, for example. If you'd like to take advantage of the benefits of this tea, you could be wondering how you should drink it. These are a few ways to do so.

1. Drink it Plain

Many people prefer to drink Darjeeling tea plain. This can allow you to take the best advantages of its health benefits, and many people love the way that it tastes. This is because it's a tea that has multiple levels of fruity flavor. The first few times that you drink it, it's probably a good idea to drink it as-is so that you can get a better idea of how it tastes. Then, you can adjust the way that you drink it based on your own preferences.

2. Add Milk or Cream

Many people love to add a little bit of milk or cream to their favorite hot teas, and this can be a good way to enjoy Darjeeling tea as well. You don't have to add much; even a small amount of milk can help make the tea a bit creamy and can provide a more subtle flavor. It's a good choice if you find that Darjeeling tea is a bit too strong for your liking.

3. Add Sweetener

Even though a lot of people like to drink Darjeeling tea without adding sugar, it can be a good addition if you prefer sweetened tea. If you are trying to avoid sugar, you do have other options as well. Sugar substitutes can work well when dissolved in Darjeeling tea, or you can try sweetening your tea with a dash of honey, which can be a wonderful natural sweetener. Just remember that a little bit goes a long way; if you add too much sweetener, you could lose the tasty fruity flavor of the Darjeeling tea.

If you have never tried Darjeeling tea, you should consider giving it a try, especially if you are a big fan of tea. Not only does it have health benefits that you can enjoy, but it can be a tasty alternative to your other favorite teas. Try these three options for drinking it so that you can find the one that you like best! Contact a company like Tea Composer for more ideas.